Picking (Line Items) Hotkeys

February 11, 2019
Last week we took a holistic view of hotkeys in the Picking module. Now we will get closer to the actual items that are being picked and show how hotkeys can help you change their status and adjust them in other ways to improve the picking process. Get up close and personal to pick the right shippers for your company, Fishbowl BlogCTRL + Shift + C = Combine the selected items into one pick CTRL + Shift + H = Toggle the hold status CTRL + Shift + S = Start the selected items CTRL + Shift + M = Commit the selected items CTRL + Shift + A = Let Fishbowl find tags for the selected items CTRL + Shift + F = Finish the selected items CTRL + Shift + V = Void the selected items Head over to Fishbowl’s Documentation Wiki to see all of the hotkeys that are available across the other modules.