Consignment Module Hotkeys

January 14, 2019
If you use the Consignment module to manage and sell products, you will find these hotkeys quite useful. There are quite a few of them, so let’s get going: Automating the sales tax process is a big help to businesses that sell to customers in multiple locations, Fishbowl BlogCTRL + Shift + E = Increase or decrease the quantity of the selected tag CTRL + Shift + T = Make adjustments to the tracking information of uncommitted parts within the selected tag CTRL + Shift + M = Move inventory to a new location CTRL + Shift + X = Scrap inventory of the selected tag CTRL + Shift + V = Display tracking information for the selected tag CTRL + Shift + Down Arrow = Add the selected part to the selected items CTRL + Shift + S = Create a sales order with the selected parts on it CTRL + Shift + T = Create a transfer order with the selected parts on it CTRL + T = Create a transfer order to replenish inventory CTRL + P = Create a purchase order to replenish inventory CTRL + L = Create a new consignment location For more information about hotkeys, head over to Fishbowl’s Documentation Wiki.