FAQs About iReport

October 22, 2018
RMAs can yield valuable information in reports, Fishbowl BlogThe fifth and final category of frequently asked questions on Fishbowl’s Documentation Wiki is about iReport. This is an important enough topic that it requires its own section to properly cover everything that goes into it. What is iReport and how does it work? You can find those questions and the answers to them by clicking the above link. You will also find the answers to several other questions listed below:
  • What is iReport?
  • Does iReport require additional costs?
  • How do I integrate Fishbowl and iReport?
  • How do I set up iReport?
  • How can I use iReport to make minor Report modifications?
  • How do I use iReport for Custom Reports?
  • Is iReport similar to Crystal Reports?
  • What knowledge do I need to use iReport?
  • Can I pay Fishbowl to write a report for me?