Fishbowl Offers a Forecast Module

July 21, 2017
Fishbowl offers a Forecasting module, Fishbowl BlogThe Forecast module is a Fishbowl Plugin that is part of the Fishbowl interface. This is a bit different than separate solutions provided by Fishbowl and other companies. There’s nothing to download or install. You simply have to get the right credentials and then activate the Forecast module through Fishbowl’s Plugin module. The Forecast module uses sales numbers and other information across a certain time period to predict upcoming sales, quantities, and costs. It then presents all of this data through a number of filters and chart types. Here are the features you’ll find in this module:
  • As noted above, you don’t have to download anything. You simply have to enter the proper information into the interface to activate the already-installed Forecast module.
  • Numerous filters are available to limit the data to specific sales, quantities, costs, parts, and location groups.
  • In addition, you can select the period of time you want to use as a reference to base the predicted sales information on. You can also select the future period of time you want to extend the forecasting into.
  • Forecasted data can be displayed in three main types of charts: line graph, accumulation, or scatter plot. You can select the one that will show the data in the most intuitive way for your needs.
Come back next week when we’ll talk about another Fishbowl Plugin called the Sales Data module.