How to Manage Your Inventory Like Big Companies

December 21, 2010
How can you manage your inventory more like Macy’s or other big companies? The quick answer is to use Fishbowl Inventory. Fishbowl offers all of the features that large businesses use at a fraction of the price they pay for them.

The Large-Company Inventory Solution

Large and small tomatoes, Fishbowl Inventory Blog How do large companies manage their inventory? Because of their size, they have to use advanced solutions to help them monitor inventory levels across multiple locations. They don’t want to run out of products, so they have to plan far ahead and be flexible when conditions change and challenges arise. A key difference between the inventory management practices of large companies and small businesses is that large companies often use inventory planning software to stay on top of their inventory needs. Small businesses react to customer demand the best they can, but they sometimes don’t have the resources to plan the way large companies do. Being reactive instead of proactive in inventory management is a costly mistake.

The Small-Business Inventory Solution

How can you, as a small-business owner, ever hope to gain access to the tools large companies enjoy? First, you need to realize that big companies got big in the first place by making a lot of smart choices, one of which was to closely monitor their inventory levels. You can follow in their footsteps and go one better by using Fishbowl to manage your inventory. Fishbowl’s inventory planning software lets you do pretty much all of the things large companies do for a price you can afford. You probably don’t need to do everything that large companies do or maybe you just need to do them on a smaller scale. No problem! Fishbowl is scalable, so you can add new features as you need them instead of being overwhelmed by features you don’t want or need. Fishbowl lets you use barcodes and barcode scanners to receive inventory, place product orders, pick products off shelves, automatically update your inventory and financial records, and much more. See more of Fishbowl 2011’s advanced features in action in the Fishbowl training videos section. And start taking your business to the next level with inventory planning software!