Inventory Management Improves Publisher’s Fiscal Year

June 18, 2010
Inventory management software is a powerful tool for companies that are trying to improve their bottom line. It saves time and money, allowing companies to use their resources in more productive ways. How to cut costs with QuickBooks inventory management - Fishbowl InventoryIn a news release, a publisher called John Wiley and Sons, Inc. recently reported strong fiscal-year results, thanks in large part to savings coming from inventory management. “Gross margin of 66% for fiscal year 2010 improved for the second consecutive year, and is up from 63% in fiscal year 2008. Improvement attributed to inventory management and digital revenue,” the report said. A surefire way to improve a company’s profitability is to decrease its expenses and increase its revenue. Inventory management software takes care of the expense-decreasing department so small and large businesses can focus on increasing their revenue. Fishbowl Inventory is the leading provider of QuickBooks-integrated inventory software. You can learn more about Fishbowl Inventory and sign up for a free, 14-day trial on our website. Check it out!